
one iDESK

Secure your international transactions with our iDesk Escrow services!





Trust Ranking available to the consumer with which it can independently evaluate if a brand - product service is authentic, reliable, safe


Integrated direct support on International business, trading, supply chain, distribution, logistics, payments, regulatory management and related customs procedures. Secure your transactions with our iDesk Escrow services!

Our Services

iDesk Services

Activate your Shartify

Shartify is a Trust Ranking available to the consumer with which it can independently evaluate if a brand - product service is authentic, reliable, safe. At the same time, it's a tool that concretely helps the brand to compete on the market based on its reliability, credibility and values.

Protect your Trademark in China

To help companies to defend against this growing risk, Nexth.One launches "Protect your Trademark in China".


For your business

Unleash global possibilities with Nexth.one Club! Seamlessly manage your Phygital Business. Efficient, secure, and unique services for your success!